2007년 7월 14일 토요일

update time

Ok well I thought I should update to let everyone up on what Im doing. So the last two weeks or so have been very interesting. I got robbed, we got a new teacher, and im again getting laid. So to start with I got robbed two weeks ago and it was very strange. So some guy peeks his head in my window at 500 AM (I left my window open becasue its fucking hot) and starts talking to me in Korean. I try to tell him to leave but he refuses or doesnt understand so after maybe ten minutes he goes to my front door and starts banging so to make it stop I let the guy in. Next when he gets in he uses this giant flashlight that he has and starts loooking at my clothes and is just acting strange but not drunk. After maybe 10 more minutes of this wierdness I tell him to fuckoff but after I say this he grabs my wallet and runs and I couldnt run after him becasue all I had for clothes was a blanket I was naked underneath it. So some wierd fuck with a flashlight stole my wallet.
So the next interesting thing that happened was we got a new teacher because my friend Robs contract finished but instead of leaving rob got a job at a differant hagwon teaching children. But anyways we got a new teacher named Matt and hes a young guy 25 from Georgia. So Matt reminds me so much of Jackson looks like him sounds like him loves sports. And Matts cool though I think he loves fishing a little to much.
And the third thing that has happened to me is Im now fucking two differant korean babes. The first is girl from one of my classes shes real cute but very skinny shes about the size of thigh but very cute. We went out for margaritas two weeks ago and I have been seeing her almost every day since after class its preety sweet. The next girl I met at O'briens pub ans shes a wild one loves to drink and fuck and I pretty sure shes fucked most of the westeners in the city but shes cool. So actually I have to meet her at nam san (local train station) very soon becasue we are going to go to one of the coolest nightclubs in Pusan so it should be sweet.

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